Want a Pinterest Worthy House For Your Lifestyle Newborn Shoot? Here's How...

Lifestyle Newborn Photography is pretty darn pretty lol. Shot in your own home it brings up one of the big questions…do you have to clean and tidy? Because if the answer is Yes then you’re thinking nightmare right?! You’ve just given birth and now you have to prep the house for the shoot, heart sigh.

Well let me share a few hacks with you to make it all a little less work.

toronto newborn photographer copperred photography
  1. Don’t Spring Clean - Hide Clutter

This is not a time to do an entire spring clean of your house. Spend 2 or 3 minutes moving all the clutter from your bedside cabinets and living room coffee table to less photographically desirable areas. If you have draws in your bedside cabinets just shove it all in there. If your coffe table lid lifts up, hide the odds and sods in there. Easy peasy. Out of sight = out of photos lol.

toronto lifestyle newborn photographer copperred photography

2. Clean Your Mirrors

I LOVE LOVE LOVE working with mirrors, reflections and reflected light so if you have a killer mirror in your home make sure to have hubbie polish it up so its smear free and crystal clear for beautiful shots like this one. Only a 30 second task to polish it up but it’s end result is 100% worthy of the work.

lifestyle newborn photographer copperred photography

3. Pop on white sheets

You’ve just had a baby so lets face it, white sheets are pretty much a no go lol BUT switch them on for the day of your lifestyle session. They just scream clean, crisp and beautiful and are great at bringing in some extra brightness too. If you don’t have white sheets then at the bare minimum ensure you have on a matching set.

lifestyle newborn photographer toronto copperred photography

4. Hang Up Those Prints

We all know how it goes, you’ve got all the bits to complete the nursery but realize quickly once baby arrives that they don’t even sleep in there for months so you don’t finish it up and those beautiful framed prints are sat against the wall behind the door. Well, get them up on the wall. We want as much of you, your vibe and your style in the photos and that includes the walls.

lifestyle newborn photography toronto copperred photography

And that’s it. It’s that simple. Hide the clutter, clean the mirrors, pop on some white sheets and make sure your frames are up and shelves tidied.

BONNUS TIP: If you are still yet to have your baby shower you could always pop on your list ‘cleaner for an hour’. Maybe a friend of family member would offer you an hour of their cleaning skills and you could book them to come the night before your lifestyle newborn session? Friends and family are often looking for way to be genuinely helpful and this is a great one.

toronto gta lifestyle newborn photographer copperred photography

If you’re dying for some style inspo because you’re still in the nursery design stage or maybe you’re redecorating your lounge before baby comes then check out some of these. They are my go-to’s for inspo whenever we are looking to decorate a new space.





Hopefully this gave you a couple of ways to short cut the prep process or some design inspo.

As always I’m here to help serve you so let me know in the comments any topics you wish I’d cover. Let’s do this!

Chat soon x