What's it really like during a Lifestyle Newborn Session? || CopperRed Photography
There’s one thing I frequently see during my lifestyle newborn sessions and I want to help alleviate it…ANXIETY.
I often encounter babies who are a little fussy and want to eat, poop or just not play ball and it creates anxiety for their parents when it shouldn’t. I totally get it because you don’t do this as your day job. This is often the first newborn session for your family and you’ve been excited for it for weeks. You’ve read the blog with the prep tips, chosen your cute outfits and you think you’re all set.
Then I knock on the door and the baby doesn’t play ball - ‘curse of the photographer’ lol. Every other day they go to sleep for at least 2+ hours in the mornings but today it’s just not happening and you begin to let the anxiety and stress creep in. You start to worry about whether I’m going to be able to get the good shots or if your little one is going to cooperate at all.
Let me help to take away the stress…
This is 100% normal. Very rarely do I enter a home and baby is asleep and stays asleep for the entire session. Quite the opposite. What usually happens is that I arrive and baby decides they are super starving hungry right then. After they’ve ate we get them all sleepy and cuddled up, start shooting and then what happens? They explode with poop! So we clean them up and rock them back to sleep. Then they are hungry again lol.
This is how it goes and then at one point we get a ‘‘dream spell’, a little moment where they are out cold, milk drunk and warm and cozy. Right then we go go go. We fly through all the different shots and capture dreamy images.
So please do not worry if your baby is fussy, needs to eat 2 or 3 times or if we have a poop explosion. It is normal and does not mean your session is a write off. It just means we begin the game of patience, work at getting those captures during the in-between moments and then wait for our dream spell to cover all the rest, I promise it will come.
In over 5 years of capturing newborns I have never been trumped by a baby. There is ALWAYS a dream spell, we just have to play the game of patience.
So breathe easy mumma, I’ve got this. We will capture beautiful images and you can let all that worry float away knowing that your baby is doing what 95% of them all do and it’s okay.