Top 5 Photos From Julian's Lifestyle Newborn Session & Why || Hamilton, Ontario


One of my favourite parts of my experience with clients is discovering their favourite photos from the session. 99.9% of the time their favourites are different from mine. I love that and it’s one of the main reasons I do not only include a limited amount of images with my lifestyle newborn package. I give my families every single shot that is great. That way they can discover their favourites amongst the gallery and not have to rely on my selections being what they would’ve picked.

I shot Mr Julian a little while ago but haven’t had a chance to share any shots from his session so I thought I’d put together my top 5.

toronto lifestyle newborn baby photographer copperred photography

#1 - Black & White

I am always a lover of black and white but I find that most of my newborn session families print the coloured versions. I do not convert every single shot to black and white, only the ones that I believe absolutely pop from it. Black and white for me always seems timeless and for some reason I’ve always been drawn to it. I like it to be deep and contrast over wishy washy light and dark tones.

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#2 - Siblings

I LOVE sibling shots buts it’s totally hit and miss whether they want to play ball. The toughest age to capture is for sure the 2 year olds. They are either in it and love being snapped and cuddling their baby brother or sister or they want nothing to do with it lol. When you do get that 10 minutes of sweetness it is priceless. Just having them kiss, cuddle and look at them melts my heart.

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#3 - The Extra Shots

I don’t put my camera down. I am always looking to be snapping what is happening. So when baby is being nursed or changed I often check out what dad’s up to with the other kiddos. Lifestyle Newborn Sessions allow for this awesome element because it’s about you as a family, yes the baby is the primary focus but it’s about you all, your connections, your home, your love and your life. Some of the unexpected photos are my favourite.

toronto lifestyle newborn photographer copperred photography

#4 - The Details

No session goes without these shots because I just love how much they capture the short time frame of a newborn. Their tiny hands, feet, thigh rolls, flicks of hair and peeling tummy’s, it’s all what reminds you of those early days with them.

toronto family newborn baby photographer copperred photography

#5 - The Sneaky Shots

Sometimes I totally feel like the paparazzi. I hide in cupboards, around corners or behind doors to capture shots like this one. I love the feel that it’s unposed and sneaky. It gives a genuineness and authenticity to their interaction and that 100% why I shoot a handful of photos this way. Don’t you think it just feels more intimate because you feel like you are peering in?

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There you have it, my top 5 shots from the crazy cute Mr Julian’s gallery and maybe a little insight into how and why I shoot or edit the way I do. If this is totally how you want your tribe captured head on over to my contact page and get in touch. I’d love to get together and run one of these kickass lifestyle sessions for you!